Super placering, nok den bedste mulige i byen hvis man vil være centralt. Mange små forhold lever ikke op til beskrivelserne og billederne.
Der var en ubeskrivelig dårlig lugt i lejligheden, hvilket kom fra det ene værelse og wcét. Ved hjælp af at sætte prop i badekaret og lukke døren til et værelset var det til at leve med! Føntørren var defekt, det ene kogeblus i køkkenet virkede ikke, en spisebords stol var defekt, temmelig ukomfortabel madras, rengøringen var ikke så grundig, gulvtæpper i lejligheden blev ikke støvsuget under hele opholdet, observeret pga. børnene tabte peanuts på tæppet, smulder blev liggende ugen ud. Total set fra vores besøg, vi kommer IKKE tilbage igen!
Great location, probably the best available in the city if you want to be central. Many small relative does not live up to the descriptions and pictures.
There was an indescribable odour in the apartment, which came from one room and toilet. By means of putting the plug in the bath tub and close the door to a room it was to live with! Hairdryer was faulty, one hob in the kitchen did not work, a dining table chair was defective pretty uncomfortable mattress cleaning was not as thorough, carpets in the apartment was not vacuumed during the entire stay, observed due. Children lost peanuts on the carpet, crumbs were lying week out. Total seen from our visit, we are NOT coming back again!